Communication peripherals


This module implements a standard I2C master interface. Since the main design goal is configuration and control of external integrated circuits, the implementation is not complete and only few features listed below have been worked on.

  • 100 kbit/s standard mode only

  • Master role only

  • 7 bit addressing only

  • Write support only

The fundamental operation of the core is the register write operation, a 2 bytes write operation where the first byte represents the register address and the second one the value to be set.


The internal structure of the module is shown in the image above. The control unit block is responsible for the Simplebus interface only, it consists of a state machine that accepts commands over that interface and then outputs the appropriate signals needed for the selected operation. Once a transfer is requested, the transfer controller takes over, this block, also containing a FSM, is at the core of the module operations, and it is responsible for the control of which data should go on the wire. It is also in charge of ensuring timing compliance with the standard controlling the spacing between transmissions. Lastly the data engine shifts the out of the core onto the SDA line when needed. The timebase signals is generated by the core of the Enable Generator module, depending on the usage needs the timebase frequency can be either fixed and determined by a parameter or modifiable at runtime.


  • FIXED_PERIOD:Enables fixed period mode. Default value “FALSE”

  • FIXED_PERIOD_WIDTH: This parameter controls the SCL frequency when fixed period mode is enabled. Default value 1000

  • SCL_TIMEBASE_DELAY: This parameter controls the amount of delay in clock cycles between the timebase edge and the output SCL edge 15


  • clock: Main clock input

  • reset: Active low synchronous reset input

  • i2c_scl_in: I2C SCL input, used in conjunction with an external tristate IO buffer

  • i2c_sda_in: I2C SDA input, used in conjunction with an external tristate IO buffer


  • i2c_scl_out: I2C SCL output, used in conjunction with an external tristate IO buffer

  • i2c_scl_out_en: I2C SCL output eable, used to control an external tristate IO buffer

  • i2c_sda_out: I2C SDA output, used in conjunction with an external tristate IO buffer

  • i2c_sda_out_en: I2C SDA output eable, used to control an external tristate IO buffer


  • sb: Simplebus slave interface for control and configuration

Known compatible parts

-Silicon labs Si5351 clock generator IC


This module implements a Multichannel SPI master peripheral. The main configuration and control is done through the Simplebus Interface, however once configured the data transfers can also be fully controlled through the external AXI stream interface


The operations of this module are controlled by the Control Unit. This submodule interfaces to the outside world through the Simplebus Interface and controls all other aspects of the core. This also listens on the AXI steam interface and starts transfers as necessary. As in all SPI interfaces the design revolves around a parallel to serial shift register (SPI register here). This is directly controlled by the Transfer engine, who controls the transmission length, the timing and polarity of slave select signals, the endianness of transferred data etc. An internal enable generator allows totally standalone periodic transfers operations. An internal prescaler derives the SCLK signal from the main clock input.


  • BASE_ADDRESS: Base address for the Simplebus interface. Default value 0x43C00000

  • SS_POLARITY_DEFAULT: State of the Slave select signals upon reset. Default value 0

  • N_CHANNELS: Number of SPI channels supported by this peripheral. Default value 3

  • OUTPUT_WIDTH: Width of the output data AXI stream. Default value 32


  • clock: Main clock input

  • reset: Active low synchronous reset input

  • external_transfer_length: Length of the SPI transfer when externally triggered

  • MISO: SPI Master Input Slave Output signal

  • SPI_write_valid: AXI stream slave transfer control interface valid signal

  • SPI_write_data: AXI stream slave transfer control interface data signal


  • data_valid: Received data AXI stream master valid signal

  • data_out: Received data AXI stream master data signal

  • MOSI: SPI Master Output Slave Input signal

  • SCLK: SPI Slave Clock signal

  • SS: SPI slave select signal.

  • SPI_write_ready: AXI stream slave transfer control interface ready signal


  • sb: Simplebus slave interface for control and configuration

Known compatible parts

  • Analog Devices AD2S1210 Resolver to digital converter

  • Analog Devices LTC2313 Analog to digital converter


The RTCU family of modules implement a real time communication protocol specifically designed to meet the needs of the power electronics community. Being still under heavy development documentation is provided at this stage.